I have received a few emails about my updated tablescape. Well, I tried to incorporate all the advice I received and somehow it has snowballed into a minor dining room/kitchen remodel! I know my husband is wondering how this went from taking advice on rearranging a few picture frames to now we will be painting the room and changing colors all together. There is never a dull moment around here!!!
However, I did start the process of moving a few things and I wanted to show you the "work in progress." Here is a before picture:
The one comment I kept hearing was to move the pictures into a square to add height and get a bigger lamp. I did both of these things and a few more. This is not the finished product, it is only the beginning. There were holes from the pictures so I decided that I am going to putty the holes and paint the wall a very pale yellow. I also need to bring the pictures down so the top of the pictures is even with the top of the topiary. Take a look at what I HAVE done:
I need to add some more books to add some more color and height. I will also hang the pictures an even distance from each other on all sides once the wall has been painted.
Please ignore the broken light fixture! Moving the pictures around really did give the space some height and I love it! The topiary lights up so it also helps provide another element of warmth.
I will keep you posted on the project once I get the paint on the walls and the pictures lowered. When all the finishing touches are on this space I will post another picture. For now, I hope this will work!